Please use these handouts for homeowners and persons performing brush clearance.
How many of these Fire Safety precautions can you say yes to?
I have cleared the flammable vegetation and combustible materials away from my house.
These combustible materials provide a path by which fire from nearby areas can reach your house. You should keep an area cleared around your house to a radius of 30 feet. A good rule of thumb is that the distance between your house and any nearby tree should be greater than the height of that tree, or at least 10 feet.
I have planted fire-resistant plants and vegetation around my property, to prevent fire from spreading quickly.
I have fire-resistant roofing material on my house.
When wildfires and brush fires spread to houses, it is often because burning branches, leaves and other debris are carried by the hot winds and land on the roofs. If the roof of your house is covered by wood shakes, you should consider replacing them with more fire-resistant materials such as Class A asphalt, slate, terra cotta or other tiles, or metal roofing.
I store all flammable materials, liquids and solvents in metal containers outside my home, at least 30 feet away from structures and wooden fences.
My home address sign is clearly visible from the road.
I have adequate access room for emergency vehicles to get to my house, with driveway or roadway at least 12 feet wide.
I have ensured that any water sources such as hydrants or ponds are accessible to the Fire Department.
I have fire alarm systems in my home, such as smoke alarms, sprinklers or fire alarms.
I have my wood stove or chimney inspected and cleaned annually by a certified chimney specialist.
Heating fires account for 36% of all residential fires in rural areas each year. Often these are due to creosote buildup in chimneys and stovepipes. All home heating systems require regular maintenance to operate safely and efficiently.
Emergency & Evacuation Zone Interactive Mapping
FAWDS • Friends of Arson Watch and Disaster Services • P.O. Box 197, Topanga, California 90290
Fires kill more Americans each year than all natural disasters combined. In areas known as Wildland-Urban Interface, the risk of fire destroying homes and property greatly increases.
30% of brush fires are caused by improper use of brush clearing equipment!!!